Challenge your students to survive a week in politics and keep their party, their voters and the media happy.
The game gives young people a virtual taste of life as an MP. Highlighting the range and value of MPs’ work, the game builds students’ understanding of the role of a Member of Parliament.
MP for a Week is an ideal activity for pairs, individuals or incorporated into whole class and flip learning. It can be used on desktops, tablets or mobile devices.
Curriculum links
- Citizenship – Democracy, government and the rights and responsibilities of citizens
- SMSC – British Values
- Citizenship Studies – Democracy, government and the rights and responsibilities of citizens
Northern Ireland
- Citizenship Studies KS4 – Democracy at work in the UK
- Citizenship Studies KS4 – Law and Justice
- Government and Politics KS4 – Democracy in Action
- Social Studies – Political decision making
- Citizenship Studies KS4 – Democracy and Government
- Citizenship Studies KS4 – Democracy at work in the UK